About Us

About LekoTrans.com | Assist You to More Enjoyable Your Holiday in Bali

Warmest greetings from LekoTrans.com

Leko Trans (www.lekotrans.com) is Website to introduce and develop tourism in Paradise Island of Bali. Through this site, we will guide you to know more about Bali like interesting places in Bali, local culture, the arts of Bali, hotel accommodations, tour packages, Bali adventure programs and other activities that you can make online reservation with our special rates.

Leko Trans is managed by professional who have been involved in tourism activity more than 15 years. Every reservation and tourism activities is handled by our professional staff. They are a Balinese people that course know more about Bali better than people outside Bali that provide tour to Bali. To handle the tours out of Bali such as Bromo Trip, Borobudur Trip, Jogjakarta Tours, Jakarta Tour and others, we cooperate with related companies, to obtain the lowest price with maximum services. We offer every assistance which may be required by our customers in order to make their stay and holiday more enjoyable in Bali. We look forward to having the opportunity of serving you or your clients as our valued customers which we assure for the best services.

Through this site we actively promote Bali tourism and to a wider market as it is our biggest goal to keep working hard to expand Bali tourism. We wishes we can assist you to more enjoyable your holiday in Bali.

Best Regards,
LekoTrans.com Team


Address : Jalan Raya Bedugul, Mengwi Km 8 Br. Belang, Sembung, Mengwi, Badung, Bali – Indonesia.
Phone : +62 – 361 – 2125200
Fax : +62 – 361 – 829 056
HP/WhatsApp : +62 81 2397 7705
Home page : www.lekotrans.com
E-mail : info@lekotrans.com
Contact Person : Ketut Maryana (Reservation)

We are pleased to describe the uniqueness of Bali and culture to you and show them. We bring you the real life of Bali, the welcoming Balinese people, the traditional Balinese architecture, the panoramic view of Bali, the beaches, the temples, the music, inexpensive shopping and many more. You can create your own tour, too.

Your request or reservation is absolutely secure, all personal data is encrypted and will be processed in a secure way through secure email. We take the privacy of your personal data very seriously. Your personal information will only be used to process your booking.

    Request for Service:

    Service Detail*:

    Hotel Choice:

    Date of Service*:


    Your Information Detail:

    Your Name *:

    Your Email *:




    Reservation Name:

    Pick Up Area / Hotel:

    Room Number:

    Your Message:

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