Best Destination in Bali
Place Bali lies east of java between 8 and 9 degrees south of the equator. A very narrow strait, called the strait of Bali, Bali from Java; it is the Indian Ocean on the map of Indonesia. Bali’s total area is slightly more than 5000 square kilometers or slightly more than 2000 square miles.
From west to east the mountain range from Gunung Batukaru in the west, the lake countries in the center and Gunung Agung in the east, divides Bali into two plains, the northern and the Southern plains. The northern plain is much narrower than the Southern one. In the North Bali the mountain in some places comes right to the sea, such as at Pulaki in the West and Ponjok Batu in the East.
In the North Bali the coast is swampy in the west, alternately sandy and full of pebbles in the center and rocky in the East. There are few beaches here good for swimming.
North-West Bali is hilly and dry so that there is no wet rice culture possible and yet the people here like in the rest of Bali live from agriculture. In this area are found the large coconut plantations. In East Bali beyond Kusamba in the South and Yeh Sanih in the North, the coastal regions are also so dry so that the people have to go for miles to the beach for water from common wells dug especially for this purpose.
In the North this arid country is very well suited for citrus plants and the villages Bondalem, Tejakula, Les and others in the vicinity become rich from these citrus plantations.
The center part of Bali, comprising the counties of Badung, Tabanan, Gianyar, Klungkung and half of Bangli, is most fertile and this region the tourists can see the most beautiful rice field terraces. This part of Bali is, no wonder, called the rice belt of the island.
The extreme Southern point of Bali is a lime stone peninsula, simply called Bukit, hill, by the people. The vegetation here is so different from the rest of Bali that driving through this arid region one can imagine oneself to be anywhere but Bali.
To the South-East of central Bali lies the arid island of Nusa Penida , just Nusa for the Balinese. Nusa depends entirely on the rain for water to irrigate the dry fields, because the lime soil of the whole island allows no forming of rivers. The only source of drinking water for the people is the beach where they dig wells or a spring of fresh water right in the sand. That way Bali island is nice island so many nice object island you find in Bali .
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